Sunday, February 4, 2018


I've been meaning to make this 2018 edition of Currently Reading, Read, and To-be Read post since January 22nd, but I've been finishing books quite quickly. 

Long story short, it's taken me until now to make this post because I've had to re-do the graphics multiple times to reflect what I had read and what I was currently reading. 

Usually I'd want to write about:
  1. How I briefly felt after finishing each book I've read
  2. What made me want to read the books on my To-Be Read list
  3. My first impressions of the books I'm currently reading 
However, by the time I figure out what I want to say I'm afraid I will finish another book. And then I'd have to re-do the graphics again. 

I really don't want to do that, so I hope you're able to enjoy this snapshot of my reading status for what it is and not what it says.

Although I will say...
  1. I didn't include books I've already talked about in previous blog posts
  2. I've definitely enjoyed everything I've read so far except for I Love Dick. It was okay. 


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